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  1. 关于
    1. 重要说明
  2. 最终版本
  3. Old versions
  4. prekt
  5. vwit
  6. rezion
  7. sezion
  8. brint and dern
  9. lendis
  10. prefol





  • 提供一个永恒且绝对的声音术语定义作为基础
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# Prekt
Prekt is the frequency of the first (zero-th) harmonic in the voice, NOT including subharmonics. It is the cycles per second of the true vocal folds (vocal ligament) vibrating. If the vocal folds complete 148 cycles (open and close) in one second, the prekt is 148 or 148hz. 【译文:Prekt 是指声音中第一(零阶)谐波的频率,不包括次谐波(Subharmonics)。它表示真正声带(声带韧带)的振动频率,以每秒的振动周期数(Hz)计量。例如,如果声带每秒完成 148 次开合,则 Prekt 为 148Hz】。

Higher frequency of the first harmonic > higher in prekt / higher prekt【译文:第一谐波的频率越高,则 prekt 越高】

More completed vocal fold open and close cycles per second > higher in prekt【译文:每秒声带完成的开合次数越多,则 Prekt 越高】

Prekt can be referred to with musical notation or subjectively as high / low prekt, but is defined as the vibratory (or completed open and close) cycles per second of the true vocal folds / HZ of the fundamental. 【译文:Prekt 可以用音乐记谱法表示,也可以主观地描述为「高 Prekt」或「低 Prekt」,但其标准定义是**真正声带每秒的振动周期数 / 基频(Fundamental Frequency)的 Hz 值**】。

# Welit
Vocal fold vibratory mass is the amount of the true vocal folds that vibrates when making a voice. 【译文:Welit 指的是**声带振动质量(Vocal Fold Vibratory Mass, VFVM)**,即在发声时真正声带参与振动的部分】
Welit is the estimated amount of vocal fold vibratory mass (VFVM). Low prekt encourages more welit. Relaxed high prekt encourages less welit.【译文:Welit 反映了声带振动质量的估计值。较低的 Prekt 通常会增加 Welit,而较放松的高 Prekt 会减少 Welit】。

Since VFVM cannot be easily measured, we estimate welit based on the sound qualities we exclusively associate with VFVM. If some quality of voice is known to be caused by factors other than VFVM or is not directly caused by VFVM then it does not affect welit.【译文:由于声带振动质量(VFVM)无法直接测量,我们通过仅与 VFVM 相关的声音特质来估算 Welit。如果某种声音特质已知由 VFVM 以外的因素引起,或者它并非直接由 VFVM 产生,那么它不会影响 Welit】。

The sound appears to have more vocal fold vibratory mass > more welit. 【译文:声音听起来具有更多声带振动质量,则 Welit 增加】.

Higher prekt with low effort voice > encourages lower welit 【译文:高 Prekt 且声音较放松,则 Welit 降低】

Does not include any other factor such as adduction, twang, volume, creak / fry. It is only the perceived effect of estimated vocal fold vibratory mass specifically. Lendis on its own does not affect welit, but people often add the two simultaneously due to conflation. 【译文:Welit 不包括任何其他因素,如内收(Adduction)、鼻音(Twang)、响度(Volume)、低频喉音 / 声带沙哑(Creak / Fry)等。它仅指感知到的声带振动质量的估计值。Lendis 本身不会影响 Welit,但人们常常将两者同时调整,导致混淆】。

# Rezion
Resonant frequencies of the vocal tract filter similar frequencies to be louder and others quieter. The resultant effect on the voice is the formation of formants, which highlight some part of the voice, usually around the resonant frequencies of the vocal tract. 【译文:声道的共振频率会使某些频率的声音变得更响亮,而其他频率变得更安静。其结果是在声音中形成共振峰(Formants),通常突出声道的共振频率附近的部分】
Rezion is the assumed level of F1 and F2 (the first and second formants above the fundamental) on average. If measured precisely, it is measured by the frequency of F1 on an /a/ vowel (UK 「bath」). 【译文:Rezion 代表 F1 和 F2(基频之上的第一和第二共振峰)的平均水平。如果精确测量,则指的是 /a/ 元音(英式英语「bath」)中 F1 的频率】。

Higher frequency F1 and F2 without changing vowel > higher rezion 【译文:较高的 F1 和 F2 频率(不改变元音),则 Rezion 增加】

A sound that seems to have high F1 and F2 frequencies > higher rezion 【译文:听起来具有较高 F1 和 F2 频率的声音,则 Rezion 增加】

Rezion tends to raise and lower in relation to prekt, but the concepts are separate. Rezion is only the formant values in the voice and the resulting subjective perception of that. When used subjectively as just 'high rezion' or 'low rezion' we assume that the F1 is high or low respectively. We don't add other factors to the determination of rezion that affect the overall perception of brint and dern for example. It is anchored to the F1, and is overridden by measurements of the F1 and F2. 【译文:Rezion 通常会随着 Prekt 升高或降低,但它们是独立的概念。Rezion 仅指声音的共振峰值及其主观感知。当主观描述为「高 Rezion」或「低 Rezion」时,我们默认假设 F1 处于相应的高或低水平。我们不会将 Brint 和 Dern 等其他影响整体声音感知的因素纳入 Rezion 的定义。Rezion 以 F1 作为参考,并且在 F1 和 F2 的实际测量值出现时,以测量结果为准】。

# Sezion
Similar to rezion. When we hear a voice we intuitively assume the physical size / stature of the speaker. If the voice sounds lun (more sezion) we expect the speaker to be large like a giant.If the voice sounds sul (less sezion), we expect the speaker to be like a small pixie or a goblin. Lun and sul are opposite ends of the spectrum of sezion.【译文:类似于 Rezion。当我们听到某个人的声音时,会直觉地推测其身体体型 / 身材。如果一个声音听起来 Lun(较高 Sezion),我们会假设说话者体型较大,如巨人。如果一个声音听起来 Sul(较低 Sezion),我们会假设说话者体型较小,如小精灵或哥布林】。

Sezion then gives an impression of the physical size of the speaker, even if there is no actual correlation to physical stature of that character (a large character might have a sul voice). Lun and sul are descriptions then of a voice, and how it indicates - correctly or not - the stature of the speaker. 【译文:Sezion 让人对说话者的体型产生印象,即使实际体型与声音并无直接关系(例如,一个体型庞大的人可能有 Sul 的声音)。因此,Lun 和 Sul 仅描述声音给人的印象,而不代表说话者的真实体型】。 

In use, this is essentially rezion, high rezion being typically sul and low rezion typically being lun. This has a minor, secondary relationship with prekt because higher prekt voices usually sound more sul and lower prekt voices sound more lun.【译文:在实际使用中,Sezion 与 Rezion 类似,高 Rezion 通常对应 Sul,低 Rezion 通常对应 Lun。此外,它与 Prekt 之间存在一定的次要关系:较高 Prekt 的声音通常听起来更 Sul,而较低 Prekt 的声音通常听起来更 Lun】。

You hear a voice and think the character whose voice it was is small > the voice is more sul 【译文:如果你听到一个声音,并认为说话者体型较小,则该声音更 Sul】
You hear a voice and think the character whose voice it was is large > the voice is more lun 【译文:如果你听到一个声音,并认为说话者体型较大,则该声音更 Lun】

# Brint and Dern
Overly brint voices can sound buzzy, as a result of somewhat high rezion and sufficient tone clarity (less noise, breathiness or false fold activity). Dern voices can be a result of low lendis, too much air being directed through the nose (hypernasality) or too low rezion or any number of other factors. 【译文:过度 Brint 的声音可能听起来带有嗡鸣感(Buzzy),其特征是相对较高的 Rezion,以及较高的音色清晰度(较少噪音、气声或假声带活动)。Dern 的声音可能源于低 Lendis、过量气流通过鼻腔(过度鼻音 / Hypernasality)、Rezion 过低,或者许多其他因素】。 

Brint and dern are sound qualities that are heard and subjectively described as per these observations.【译文:Brint 和 Dern 是基于这些观察总结出的声音特质,用于主观描述声音的感知属性】。

The voice sounds buzzy and bright > more brint【译文:声音听起来嗡鸣且明亮,则 Brint 增加】

The voice sounds dull and dark > more dern 【译文:声音听起来沉闷且暗淡,则 Dern 增加】

The voice sounds not dern and also moderately high rezion > probably brint 【译文:如果一个声音听起来不具有 Dern 的特征,并且 Rezion 适中或较高,则可能是 Brint】

The voice has high rezion but something is making the voice ‘dull’ > more dern 【译文:如果一个声音的 Rezion 很高,但某种因素让它听起来「沉闷」,则更 Dern】

The voice sounds muffled and muddy > probably dern 【译文:如果一个声音听起来含混不清、浑浊,则可能是 Dern】

# Lendis
The effect of amount of airflow and closure on overall amplitude. Higher airflow and balanced / flow phonation closure of the vocal folds will result in higher lendis. This is only the effect of airflow and closure, and is irrelevant of welit or rezion or other sound filter modifications. It is an additive relationship between adduction and subglottal pressure that result in lendis. 【译文:Lendis 指的是气流量与声带闭合对整体振幅(Amplitude)的影响。更高的气流量以及平衡的 / 流式发声(Flow Phonation)模式下的声带闭合会产生更高的 Lendis。Lendis 仅受气流和闭合影响,与 Welit、Rezion 或其他声音滤波特性无关。它是由内收(Adduction)与下声门压力(Subglottal Pressure)共同决定的结果】。 

More airflow and same closure (more adduction to balance increased airflow) > more lendis 【译文:更多气流 + 相同的闭合(更多内收以平衡增加的气流),则更高的 Lendis】
Less airflow and less closure (breathy) > less lendis 【译文:更少气流 + 更少闭合(气息感),则更低的 Lendis】
Less closure, same airflow > less lendis 【译文:更少闭合 + 相同的气流,则更低的 Lendis】


Old versions

Previous signed message (this is only authoritative until the same PGP key signs the next draft):


The following is a draft of definitions for new invented terminology. The same PGP key will make one more signature but no more. Please take note of the expiry of the key. This should be Dec 31 2022.

The goal of this document is to provide a static, unchangeable base for terminology which does not have significant connotations with human language and cannot be misunderstood or have its definitions muddied.

Goals of this project

    • to provide a timeless and absolute definition for voice terminology as a base
    • to remove connotations from voice terminology by not using existing words
    • to prevent meaning from being changed and misinterpreted
    • to as a result of being exact and immutable, prevent disagreements about the meaning of words

These are to be prefixed with euxwD5nvsu or linked to this page if needed to be specific.


Prekt is the frequency in HZ of the fundamental frequency of the voice. This is the frequency of the first (zeroth) harmonic in the voice, NOT including subharmonics. It is the cycles per second of the vocal folds vibrating. If the vocal folds complete 148 cycles (open and close) in one second, the prekt is 148 or 148hz.

Higher frequency of the first harmonic > higher in prekt / higher prekt【译文:第一谐波的频率越高,则 prekt 越高】

Prekt can be referred to with musical notation, but its meaning is based on vibratory cycles per second of the vocal folds / HZ of the fundamental.


The estimated amount of vocal fold vibratory mass (VFVM) expressed in subjective auditory manner. This is currently theorized to be caused primarily by the activation of the thyroarytenoid muscles. That is, more thyroarytenoid muscle activation > more vwit. Low prekt encourages more vwit. Relaxed high prekt encourages less vwit.

Since VFVM cannot be easily measured, we estimate vwit based on the sound qualities we exclusively associate with VFVM. If some quality of voice is caused by factors other than VFVM or is not directly caused by VFVM then it does not affect vwit.

More vocal fold vibratory mass > the sound appears to have more vwit.

Higher prekt with low effort voice > lower vwit

Lower prekt with moderate or low effort voice > probably higher vwit

Does not include any other factor such as adduction, twang, volume. It is only the perceived effect of vocal fold vibratory mass specifically. Lendis on its own does not affect vwit, but people often add the two simultaneously.


Level of F1 and F2 (the first and second formants above the fundamental) on average as read from the middle of the formant highlight. If measured precisely, measured by the frequency of F1 on /a/.

Higher frequency F1 without changing vowel > higher rezion

A sound that seems to have a high F1 frequency > higher rezion

Rezion tends to raise and lower in relation to prekt, but the concepts are separate. Rezion is only the formant values in the voice and the resulting subjective perception of that. When used subjectively as just ‘high rezion’ or ‘low rezion’ we assume that the F1 is high or low respectively. We don’t add other factors to the determination of rezion that affect the overall perception of brint and dern for example. It is anchored to the F1, and is overridden by measurements of the F1 and F2. 【译文:Rezion 通常会随着 Prekt 升高或降低,但它们是独立的概念。Rezion 仅指声音的共振峰值及其主观感知。当主观描述为「高 Rezion」或「低 Rezion」时,我们默认假设 F1 处于相应的高或低水平。我们不会将 Brint 和 Dern 等其他影响整体声音感知的因素纳入 Rezion 的定义。Rezion 以 F1 作为参考,并且在 F1 和 F2 的实际测量值出现时,以测量结果为准】。


Similar to rezion. When we hear a voice we intuitively associate it with the physical size / stature of the speaker. If the speaker is a giant, the voice will sound lun. If the speaker is a small pixie or a goblin, the voice will sound sul. Lun and sul are ends of the spectrum of sezion.

Sezion then gives an impression of the physical size of the speaker, even if there is no actual correlation to physical stature (a large character might have a sul voice). Lun and sul are descriptions then of a voice, and how it indicates - correctly or not - the size of the speaker.

In use, this is essentially rezion, high rezion being typically sul and low rezion typically being lun. This has a small, secondary relationship with prekt, because higher prekt voices sound more sul and lower prekt voices sound lun.

Higher rezion and / or higher prekt > more sul Lower rezion and / or lower prekt > more lun

brint and dern

Subjective amount of high frequency harmonic information. This does not include noise or false fold caused sounds. It has an additive relationship with rezion because rezion acts on those higher frequencies, and if those harmonics are strong then the effect of rezion will be more significant.

Harmonic information is that which can be expressed as multiples of the prekt of the voice. These appear as lines on a spectrogram, an equal frequency apart from each other and multiples of the fundamental frequency.

More harmonic information in the higher frequencies > more brint Less harmonic information in the higher frequencies > more dern


The effect of amount of airflow and closure on overall amplitude. Higher airflow and balanced / flow phonation closure of the vocal folds will result in higher lendis. This is only the effect of airflow and closure, and is irrelevant of vwit or rezion or other sound filter modifications. It is an additive relationship between adduction and subglottal pressure that result in lendis. However, higher closure (adduction) than flow phonation / normal speech levels will not increase lendis. This would be considered prefol.

More airflow and same closure (more adduction to balance increased airflow) > more lendis Less airflow and less closure (breathy) > less lendis Less closure, same airflow > less lendis


A state of phonation where there is very high adduction and only the necessary subglottal pressure to produce voice, but low air flow. Anything with significantly more closure than flow phonation / normal speech levels without additional air flow is considered prefol. This can be creaky or squeezed and buzzy. —–BEGIN PGP SIGNATURE—–

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